• ​​Unclear roles and responsibilities are leading to escalating response times and internal tension.
  • ​​In the aftermath of reorganization, people are confused about who is supposed to make certain decisions, resulting in a combination of conflict and important things; “falling through the cracks”.
  • ​​​New management has been added as the company (or a subset) has been growing, resulting in an increasing number of disputes/escalations over the boundaries of each manager’s span of control.
  •  ​​The company has entered into a partnership, acquisition or outsourcing arrangement and it is not clear what decision authority each entity has or what elements of shared processes each sub-group is responsible for.
  • ​​Morale is low and/or your workforce is increasingly frustrated.
  • ​​You want to attract and retain top talent to your organization. You may seek help to develop a compelling employer brand, to improve your recruitment and retention strategies, or to create a positive and supportive work environment.

Big Wins
Est. Timeline: 5-9 Months

Our Big Wins phase creates stable, sustainable processes to positively impact your entire organization.

These initiatives follow a longer-term vision with high bang-for-your-buck ROI and can reshape the way your organization runs.

Project Examples: Emotional Ingredients, Leadership Development, Cultural Impacts & Growth